12 Days of Christmas – Best SFF Characters of 2013 – Day #4: Lara Croft

Following on from Green Arrow, Barbara Gordon and The Clone Club, I turn my attention to a newly discovered (or at least for me) character in 2013, Lara Croft, gaming’s most famous female hero.

I know you’re going to find this hard to believe but before the recent Tomb Raider game I had never experienced Lara Croft in any shape or form before. I picked up the game after hearing that one of my favourite writers, Gail Simone, would write a comic series from Dark Horse featuring the character taking place following the events of the game, and thought that it would be a good idea to check it out. After finding it quite cheaply (£10, preowned) I quickly delved in and ended up really enjoying it.

The game itself is actually one of the best of the year. I’ve written a review for it on this site (you can find it in the game reviews page) and in my view Tomb Raider is right up there with the likes of Grand Theft Auto V for GOTY contenders. it’s just that good. The storyline is engrossing and whilst there may be a few flaws here and there the game was really a great move and with a sequel on the horizon it is pretty much a 100% guaranteed purchase for me with the only question being “when?” as opposed to “if?”. With such a well developed character that’s rare for a game where you spend most of your time fighting to survive, Lara has made her way onto my favourites of the year and now I can see why she is so highly regarded by the masses.

Lara herself is voiced by Camilla Luddington who works wonders with bringing the character to life in her early years. The game explores her character and shows us just how she turned into the hardened explorer that we know to day with a compelling and engaging character to boot. Hardly any other character on my list undergoes change like Lara does in such a time period, and it’ll be very interesting to see how both the game’s writers and Gail Simone handle the character in the future.

#3: The Clone Club
#2: Barbara Gordon
#1: Green Arrow

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