You Should Watch…

The Best Summer Movies of 2016

There have been a few articles recently calling 2016 a really bad year for Cinema. And while there have been a fair few share of duds this year, Independence Day Resurgence, Alice Through the Looking Glass, The Legend of Tarzan and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: Out of the Shadows to name a few, there have also been some great movies this Summer even if you weren’t as keen on Jason Bourne and Suicide Squad as I was. In this article I list the Summer 2016 films that I really ended up liking, and are movies that you should definetly see if you get the chance.


7 Horror Movies to Watch This Halloween

I’m fairly new to the horror genre, having previously, before this October, shied away from it. However, with Halloween fast approaching at the start of the month I decided to participate in a Challenge to watch 31 movies over the course of October. You can find the full details of the Challenge here as well as a link back to the original, but it’s given me an opportunity to watch a lot of movies that I wouldn’t normally have seen otherwise and as a result, allowed me to put this list together. Whilst not everything presented here is a definitive list, I’ve tried to go for a blend of not only classic movies, but also more modern ones as well as those that you may not have seen before, including one notable foreign film. So if you’re a horror fan looking for a movie – or seven – to watch over Halloween, keep reading to see what films I’ve selected.
